Submit a Cancel Plan Load Request


You can request to cancel a load by submitting a Cancel Plan Load Request.

Your customer portal account must be authorized to submit a cancel plan load request on a load. In general, if your location does not receive the bill for a load, you cannot request that it be cancelled. Attempting to submit a cancel request on a load for which you are not authorized will produce an error message.


To Submit a Cancel Plan Load Request:

  1. Access the Track & Trace page. Track Shipments.
  2. Find the load by building and executing a search. Build a Custom Search.
  3. Select the load.
  4. Click Cancel Plan Load Request on the action bar.

The portal displays the Cancel Request dialog box.

  1. Type the reason for requesting to cancel the load.
  2. Click Submit Request.

The portal displays a dialog box with a request ID, confirming the request was submitted.