Edit a Reference Type


Users will be able to edit a reference type.


Reference types can be edited to reflect current business needs. Any changes made to a reference type in Settings will affect the specific reference type throughout Optimiz.


To Edit a Reference Type:

  1. Click Edit next to the type.

  1. Edit the Reference Type Name if necessary.
  2. Click the Active dropdown menu and select Active or Inactive. Inactivating the reference type will remove it from all menus in Optimiz.
  3. Edit the transaction types if necessary. More than one may be selected. The reference will be available for use with each transaction type selected.
  4. Click Default to make the reference type the default.
  5. Click System Applied to disable the ability of the user to enter the reference type manually. Optimiz will enter the reference type automatically if available.
  6. Click Update to save the changes or Cancel to discard them.


The reference type has been edited.