Add In Bond Information


In Bond shipments pass through the United States en route to delivery in another country. A customs bond is required for all commercial imports coming into the United States. U.S. Customs and Border Protection will not clear commercial imports without a properly executed bond.

Companies who import into the United States agree to specific conditions when posting a bond. These include agreements to:

  • Pay all duties, taxes, and charges in a timely manner.
  • Make or complete entry properly.
  • Produce documents and evidence of shipment.
  • Redeliver merchandise, if required.
  • Rectify a non-compliance with provision for admission.
  • Allow the examination of merchandise by U.S. Customs officials.
  • Reimburse the United States of any charges (if necessary) and exonerate the United States of responsibility.
  • Comply with special requirements on duty free entries.

As a logistics company, ProTrans is required to comply with any regulations for shipping freight over the borders.


Before you can add In Bond information, you must:


To Add In Bond Information:

  1. Enter the shipment's information. See Create a New Shipment for details.
  2. Select In Bond to open the In Bond information window.

  1. Click Add new record.
  2. Enter the In Bond Number.
  3. Click Update to save the record or Cancel to discard.
  4. Click X in the upper right corner to close the window.


The In Bond information is entered. To save and submit the shipment request, see Create a New Shipment.

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