Add Hazmat Information


Hazmat materials (also called Hazmat) are any substances which the DOT has determined potentially pose a risk to health, safety, and property when stored or transported. Hazmat information can be entered into Optimiz when adding a shipment request.


Before you can add Hazmat information, you must:


To Add Hazmat Information:

  1. Enter the shipment's information. See Create a New Shipment for details.
  2. Select Hazmat to open the Hazmat information window.

  1. Enter the UN Number.
  2. Enter the Proper Shipping Name.
  3. Enter the Hazard Class.
  4. Enter the Packing Group.
  5. Enter the NMFC Class.
  6. Enter the Emergency Contact.
  7. Click X in the upper right corner to close the window.


The Hazmat information is entered. To save and submit the shipment or shipment request, see Create a New Shipment.

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