No BillTo/ResponsibleParty Exception


The No BillTo/ResponsibleParty icon alerts Shipment Management users of any shipments that do not have a BillTo or Responsible Party assigned to them. You can correct this issue by adding a BillTo and Responsible Party to the shipment.

Missed Check Call Indicator The No BillTo indicator.


To Search for Shipments with No BillTo exceptions:

  1. Access the Shipment Management page. Access Shipment Management and Shipment History
  2. Click the Exceptions drop-down menu and click No BillTo/ResponsibleParty Exception.

  1. Add other search criteria, if necessary, and perform your search.

To Resolve a Shipment without a BillTo or Responsible Party:

You must be a member of the Accounting, Accounting Manager, or Admin security group in Optimiz to perform this process.

  1. Select the shipment.
  2. Click Add/Edit Bill-To in the action bar.
  3. Type the BillTo name in the BillTo field.
  4. Click Save.


After completing the process, the BillTo and Responsible Party are added to the shipment and the exception is removed.