Confirm or Reject a Pickup List


A pickup list (PUL) contain parts and packing information for its shipment. This information includes shipper, destination, trip ID, primary and secondary container information, load ID, and other details. Confirming a PUL allows the supplier to send a notification to the customer agreeing to have the freight contained in the confirmed PUL ready to be shipped. Multiple PULs can be confirmed or rejected at once if needed.


  • An ASN must be assigned to the shipment. See Create an Advanced Shipment Notice (ASN) for details.
  • The supplier should review the PUL for accuracy before confirming or rejecting it. See Print Pickup Lists for details.
  • The Confirm PUL and Reject PUL features are only available during the customer's designated demand freeze time.


To Confirm a Pickup List:

  1. Search for the shipment or shipments to be confirmed. See Search for Shipments.
  2. Select the checkbox.
  3. Click the Confirm PUL.

To Reject a Pickup List:

  1. Search for the shipment or shipments to be rejected. See Search for Shipments.
  2. Select the checkbox.
  3. Click the Reject PUL.


The pickup list has been confirmed or rejected and a notification has been sent to the customer.

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