Shipment Dialog Reference Table

Use the table below to refer to the following steps in the add or edit shipment process.

Element Description
Add Comments Add any new comments here.
Added By Indicates who entered the comment; auto-populated.
Added On Indicates when the comment was entered; auto-populated.
Bill To The entity to be billed for the service. This entry is auto-populated if a relationship already exists. If not, a user can manually enter the Bill To name.
Carrier Carrier selected for an LTL load. *This field only appears if the Transportation Mode is LTL and rating charges are returned.
Consol Hub The location where the consolidation is taking place. *This field only appears if the Transportation Mode is LTL and rating charges are returned.
Customer The name of the business to which we are providing service.
Delivery Change Reason When editing a shipment, enter the reason for the change.
Delivery From & To Enter the date in mm/dd/yyyy (n/a for LP entry) and the destination’s 24-hour local time to indicate the earliest and latest time the shipment will be delivered. There should be a 2-hour window between delivery times.
Density Class A density class factor is used to adjust rating as needed on consolidation shipments that do not have an NMFC class captured through standard procedures.
Destination The location to which the shipment is delivered. Also referred to as the consignee.
Freight Value The estimated Value of the freight being shipped.
Get Cost Details Displays only after you click Get Rates. Click this button to view detailed information regarding the cost rate.
Get Rates Button used to send to Jaguar in order to populate the Gross Charges, Total Accessorial Charges fields and calculates the Net Charges total. You will have to click this button for every shipment.
H Height dimension of the handling unit.
HazMat Indicate whether or not the shipment contains hazardous material. Carriers must be authorized to carry Hazmat. Checking this box displays a dialog box which enables the user to add more information regarding the hazardous load. See Add Hazmat Information.
In Bond Indicate traveling from Canada to Mexico without payment of duties, either for storage in a bonded warehouse or for trans-shipment to another point where duties will be imposed. Checking this box displays a dialog box which enables the user to add more information regarding the load. See Add or Edit In Bond Information.
L Length dimension of the handling unit.
Net Rate The net rate for the charges for the shipment
NMFC Code / Class Use to designate a class. More information on NMFC is available at:
Origin The location where the shipment is picked up. Also referred to as the shipper.
Payor Term Type Choices are: Collect, Third Party, or Prepaid.
Phone Requester’s contact phone number
Pickup From & To Enter the date in mm/dd/yyyy (n/a for LP Entry) and the origin’s 24-hour local time to indicate the earliest and latest time the shipment will be picked up. There should be a 2-hour window between pickup times. Optimiz validates user input to ensure that the Arrival End Date is equal to or greater than the segments for the Arrival Begin Date, for all stops on the load. It also applies the default transit times, if defined in for the Origin and Destination. Also, users can not add a shipment on the One-Time Load entry page where the Delivery From date is greater than 14 days from the Pickup Date.
Previous Comments Read-only field; auto-populated if comments exist.
Process Hub The location where the processing is taking place. *This field only appears if the Transportation Mode is LTL and rating charges are returned.
Product Description The description of the product to be entered for the shipment.
Reference Type Used to designate the reference type for the load or plan such as BOL, Trailer Number, etc.
Reference Value The related value for the selected Reference Type, such as a Trailer Number, etc.
Requested By Requester's name.
Select Special Services Link to access the Special Services to add Hazmat, In Bond, and other services to the shipment.
Service Type of service charge to be added to the shipment.
Ship From Add email addresses to receive shipment notifications when shipments depart Ship From entity locations.
Ship To Add email addresses to receive shipment notifications when shipments arrive at Ship To entity locations.
Shipment Type Designate the shipment type. If LTL,, Optimizwill only allow one shipment per load. It will also auto-generate the segments, and auto-assign the least cost carrier, if LTL is selected.
Stack Quantity The number of handling units can be stacked on each other.
Total Freight Total of all charges
Total Accessorial Charges Total of all additional accessorial charges which will be added to the final total
Trans Mode Designate the transportation mode for the shipment. Note that users that do not have a role of Planning Manager will only be able to create a load that has a Transportation Mode other than LTL. Planning Managers may use a Transportation Mode.
Type Use to select the type of item to be shipped
W Width dimension of the handling unit.