Process Pending Call Queue Shipments


Some ProTrans suppliers are entered into the Call Queue. The Call Queue is a ProTrans process where a supplier is called on a set schedule to confirm if any shipments are ready for ProTrans's customers.

Call Queue operations can be also be performed through the Optimiz, Supplier Portal. The supplier receives email notifying them of pending Call Queue shipments requiring approval. Supplier logs in to the Supplier Portal either to approve those shipments or inform ProTrans that there is nothing to ship.

Suppliers need to confirm the actual pieces and weight of approved shipments.


To Process a Call Queue Shipment:

  1. Click Status.
  2. Select Pending.
  3. Click Search.


The results grid fills with all shipments currently in the call queue awaiting processing.

  1. Select a shipment in the results grid.
  2. Click No Ship to decline the load because there is nothing to ship or Approve Shipment to confirm the load and request a pickup.


A confirmation dialogue box appears.

  1. Click Confirm to save the selected status or Cancel to discard it.

The Enter Pieces and Weight dialogue box appears when approving a Call Queue shipment. This information must be entered before continuing.

  1. Enter the Weight of the freight for the shipment.
  2. Enter the number of Pieces of freight for the shipment.
  3. Click Save to approve the shipment or Cancel to stop the approval.
  4. Repeat steps 4 - 9 for any remaining Call Queue shipments that require processing.


The shipment is processed and removed from the queue.