Access Stop Management


A load's stops are all the locations it must visit before it can be closed. The segments are the legs of the trip between each stop. The Manage Stops window is used to define and order the stops and segments for the logistics plan. Default segments are automatically generated when shipments are added to a load.

If the shipment is a consolidation shipment, Optimizincludes segments showing the consolidation centers. The transit date and time for consolidation shipments are based on a call from Jaguar. If no transit time is found from the rating call, the user must enter transit time manually.

It is possible to create a load without shipments by creating stops and segments without adding a shipment to the load.


To Access Segment Management:

  1. Click Manage Stops under the Segments heading.


The Manage Stops window opens. If shipments have been added to the load, default segments reflecting the origin and destination of the shipments will already have been created.