Customer Hierarchy Overview

About Customer Hierarchy

The Customer Hierarchy feature in Optimiz is used internally to create a set of customer-specific defaults specified by contractual terms and agreements. These defaults are used to auto-populate various fields throughout Optimiz.

Business Phase Ownership Responsibility
New Customer Start Up Add new business data to Optimiz
Current 3PL Customer: Customer Hierarchy not developed Start Up Develop hierarchy for Customer currently in Optimiz
Current 3PL Customer: Customer Hierarchy developed Engineering & Analysis Troubleshoot spot issues; add defaults for Origin/Destination pairs
Current 3PL Customer: Customer Hierarchy developed; mass load new data Start Up Add multiple new plants and new Origin/Destination pairs

Who Should Use This Documentation

Anyone responsible for creating or editing customer entities should familiarize themselves with the processes pertaining to their job functions.

When this documentation uses the words “you” or “your”, we are referring to any ProTrans Representative that uses these processes.

When sections of this guide are intended for a specific audience, the instructions will reference users by job title.