Add References with Images or Files


Users can attach images or other files to certain reference types on existing shipments. This allows all relevant information relating to a shipment or claim to be stored in a single location.

The Attach File button is disabled for reference types that do not allow the attachment of files. Only specific file types can be added, including Word documents, Excel spreadsheets, PDFs, email messages, and images.


  • The shipment must already exist. Images and files cannot be attached to references during the shipment entry process. Save the shipment before attaching images or files to a reference.


To Add a Shipment Reference:

  1. Access the shipment edit window. See Edit a Shipment for details.
  2. Select the Reference Type.
  3. Enter the Reference Type Value.
  4. Click Attach File to add an image or file.
  5. Select the image or file to attach from the pop-up window.
  6. Click Add.



The references have been added to the shipment with the selected image or file attached.