Missing Documents


The Customer Hierarchy can be set up to require specific paperwork for a shipment. This includes:

  • Bill of Lading
  • Packing Slip
  • POD
  • Weight Inspection Certificate
  • Commercial Invoice
  • Pedimento
  • Transportation & Entry

When any of the required paperwork is missing, the Missing Paperwork exception icon will display until all paperwork has been received.

  • The Missing Paperwork exception indicates one or more documents are missing.
  • Optimiz only displays a single icon for all missing paperwork.
  • The exception is removed once the appropriate image has been associated with the shipment.

The Missing Paperwork icon.




To View Missing Paperwork Details:

  1. Select the load.
  2. Click Shipment Details.

  1. Click Event Log.
  2. All required documents are displayed in the Event Log, with a separate entry for each document that is missing.


Once all documents have been associated with the shipment, the Missing Document exception will be removed.