Add a Charge Rate


As a shipment moves through the ProTrans logistics network, different charges may be applied for the services rendered. Optimiz should automatically provide a charge rate. Alternatively, it can be selected from the Special Services tab. If necessary, a rate may also be entered manually as long as it is not listed in the Charge Rate results grid. It is imperative that charge rates for each customer be accurate for billing purposes.

When Should I Add a Charge Rate?

Only add charge rates when directed to do so by a supervisor or the Accounting department.


To Add a Charge Rate:

  1. Access the Rates tab when adding or editing a shipment. See Add a Shipment to a Logistics Plan for details.
  2. Click Add new record.


The Add Rate Details window opens.

  1. Enter the information for this rate based upon the service provided and the contract with the customer.
  2. Click Save to save the entry or Cancel to discard.


The charge rate is added to the shipment.