Entity Formatting Guidelines and Precautions


When an entity is created, customer-specific information is entered, including name, address, phone number(s), hours of operation, and other information. The information is immediately available for use throughout the program.

Formatting Guidelines

Follow these formatting guidelines when creating or editing entities. Failure to do so could result in erroneous information and Optimiz errors.


  • All names and words should be spelled out completely.
  • Do not abbreviate company names or street addresses.
  • Do not use all capital letters, unless the entity is specifically incorporated with all caps (e.g., ALCOA).
  • Use title case (first letter capitalized) when an entity name contains more than one word (e.g., Schneider National). Use spaces before and after special characters (&, -, /).
  • When possible, avoid using words of fewer than three characters, since Optimiz will only search for words that are three characters or longer.


  • Do not add descriptions or comments to the Name field.
  • All words should be spelled out completely, with the exception of the following. Use a comma before each of the abbreviations listed below:
    • Limited Liability Corporation (use LLC).
    • SA de CV (use S.A. de C.V.).
    • RL de CV (use R.L. de C.V.).


  • If c/o (care of) is used in an address, both entities must be entered separately with their own unique Display IDs.
  • Post office box in a mailing address is: P.O. Box.
  • P.O. Box, suite, building, or dock code information included in a mailing address should be placed in the Address 2 field, unless no street address is included. In those cases, use the Address 1 field.


  • Hours of operation should be set for 0:00 to 23:59 (default setting) for most entities; exceptions should have the actual hours of operation entered rather than the default 24-hour setting.
  • Hours must be set for each day of the week.