Configure Billing Dimensions, Stack Quantities, and Restriction Codes


These restrictions apply to the shipment type (i.e. pallet, drum, etc.) that is selected during shipment entry. The primary concern is typically about Plants receiving damaged freight. Specific billing dimension restrictions may be set at the BillTo level of the Customer Hierarchy by Analysis & Engineering. If especially sensitive freight from a specific supplier is expected, tighter restrictions may be set for an entity at the Trading Partner level.


If a customer is shipping four pallets of mercury switches packed in thin cardboard boxes, the stack quantity may be one because a second layer of pallets could crush the thin cardboard of the boxes and damage the switches. When the stack quantity is set at one, a restriction code must also be entered that explains the reason for not stacking.

This is also important when the number of positions allocated to a shipment on a load are calculated for consolidated linehauls; it effects the total amount a customer is charged.

When Should I Add Billing Dimensions, Stack Quantities and Restriction Codes?

When the customer hierarchy is being created for a customer.


Before the billing dimensions, stack quantities, and restriction codes can be set in the customer hierarchy, the Load Restrictions section of Application Settings must be configured with information to populate the drop-down list for the restriction codes. Currently, there are no Load Restrictions defined.


To Add a Dimensional Restriction:

  1. Access the Customer Hierarchy for the customer to be updated. See Access the Customer Hierarchy.
  2. Click the wrench at any level of the Customer Hierarchy.
  3. Click Billing Dims, Stack Qty., Restriction Codes.

The Dimensional Restrictions dialog box displays.

  1. Click Add New Record.

The Create New Dimensional Restrictions dialog box displays.

  1. Select the handling unit type from the Type drop-down list.
  2. Enter the dimensions to be used for billing purposes in Length, Width, and Height. Some cylindrical handling unit Types will only have Height and Diameter.
  3. Enter the stack limit for the handling unit in Stack Qty.
  4. Select an entry from the Load Restrictions drop-down list. A Load Restriction is required if the Stack Quantity is 1.
  5. Click Save to save entry or Cancel to discard.

The entry is saved and the Dimensional Restrictions dialog box displays the new entry in the grid.

  1. Click the X in the upper right corner to close the window.

To Edit a Dimensional Restriction:

  1. Access the Customer Hierarchy for the specific customer. See Access the Customer Hierarchy.
  2. Click the wrench at any level of the Customer Hierarchy.
  3. Click Billing Dims, Stack Qty., Restriction Codes. The Dimensional Restrictions dialog box displays.
  4. Click the record to be updated.
  5. Click Edit selected.

The Edit Dimensional Restrictions dialog box displays.

  1. Make any required changes.
  2. Click Save to save the changes or Cancel to discard them.

To Delete a Dimensional Restriction:

  1. Access the Customer Hierarchy for the specific customer. See Access the Customer Hierarchy.
  2. Click the wrench at any level of the Customer Hierarchy.
  3. Click Billing Dims, Stack Qty., Restriction Codes. The Dimensional Restrictions dialog box displays.
  4. Click the record to be removed.
  5. Click Delete Record.

A Confirmation dialog box opens.

  1. Click Yes to delete the record or No to retain it.


The Billing Dimensions, Stack Quantity, and Restriction Code is set for the Customer and will auto-populate information during Shipment Entry.